Get Out the Way!

  One of the most frustrating things someone can do to us is get in our way.  Image being at the movies and during a pivotal […]

God Chose You!

We  are Christians because we have been chosen by God. When we think about all the things that could have taken us out, but they didn’t. […]

Do You Feel a Pulse?

Jesus came to make a difference for the entire world. However, there are some who will not give Jesus an opportunity to make a difference. Then […]

Who’s First?

If we take a poll in Church asking people who’s first in their lives, I wonder what they would say? Some would say their spouses, others […]

Great Works!

One of the greatest miracles performed by The Lord in the Old Testament was the parting of the Red Sea.  Israel was at the shore and […]

You Have the Victory!

In the book of Esther we have the story of how she became queen by winning a beauty pageant.  The prior queen was dismissed from her […]

Great Love!

The one thing Jesus wants the entire world to have is great love for Him and our Heavenly Father.  In Luke 7:36 – 50, we have […]