Our focus at Broad Rock Baptist Church is to be a church of the community and not just located in the community. Through our various outreach ministries, we want the community to know we care about them. The reason we are motivated to do this is because we understand God blesses “the me” in order to impact “the we”. We are not a Church that wants to be isolated from the community we are in but do what we can to embrace the community. It is our responsibility to allow our light to shine in the mist of a darken world so that people can find their way to Jesus. We realize the saints will not know how to let their light shine unless they are educated from God’s Word and filled with the Holy Spirit. At our Church we have a mandate that states “We teach one to reach one”. We emphasized the need to share what you have learned, because at least 2 things happen. One, you educate someone else and two you reiterate what you have learned to strengthen yourself. I am so thankful to God that we are a giving Church and through us giving, God has blessed us tremendously. The Lord has satisfied all of our needs according to His riches and glory.
So, if you are in the neighborhood stop by and worship with us and we will leave the light on for you. May God continue to bless and keep you as you press on in your life.