When I think about how frail babies are, I have to give the Lord thanks. When we were all born, the doctors and nurses did their […]
Saints, there is so much the Lord wants to do in and through us. But, He will only do it when we are abiding by His […]
This pandemic has caused many to wonder, who am I? When they look around at all that has occurred, they see themselves as a nobody. Let […]
In Mark 16:1-8, we have his account of what took place on Resurrection Sunday. It was early Sunday morning, and Mary Magdalene and two other ladies […]
There are a number of reasons why people praise the Lord. Some praise Him based on what He has done for them. While some will praise […]
The one thing we have all dealt with is darkness. Some people have a fear of darkness and will always have a light on when they […]
Please call in every Monday from 7-8 pm with your prayer requests. Please call: 712-832-8330 Access Code: 7766946
In John 12:32 Jesus makes this statement, “and I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” This statement was […]