When looking at your current situation, have you ever looked at yourself and thought Ican do better? When you did this, you started assessing what was […]
I wonder how many people are struggling from day to day but continue to tell everybody they are doing good. I’m talking about Christians, who are […]
When we talk about love, the conversation can go in many directions because people view this word differently. Some people rarely use the word love and […]
To Broad Rock Baptist Church Family, Friends, and Community: we share blessings of, comfort, thanksgiving, peace, and joy in God’s love. Although infestation of covid-19 has […]
Job was a man that went through trials and tribulations because the enemy thought he could break him. After the death of his children and losing […]
Saints, have any of you been in a situation where you felt there was no way for things to get better? It’s not that you jumped […]
Since the pandemic, a number of people have gotten out of shape and you think I’m talking about physical activities. Well, not exactly, I’m talking about […]
One of the things many people are dealing with during this pandemic is being alone. There are some people that are feeling alone during this pandemic, […]
I have been thinking about Father’s Day and I feel that it doesn’t have the same excitement as Mother’s Day. Think about this; when we talk […]