The Christian Women’s Ministry will meet by conference call on Saturday, January 14,
2023 @ 10:00 am. Rev Herndon’s topic this month is entitled:
“The Widow’s Offering”
In Mark 12: 41-44 Jesus observes the people giving at the temple. This is a familiar
scripture about the widow’s mite. After his observation, he explained to his disciples
that her offering was more than all the others had given. What do you think he meant
by the statement he made? What was he teaching his disciples about it? What is he
teaching us today? Let’s chat about it.
The call-in numbers are:
1-(717) 832-8330 OR 1-(425) 436-6260
ACCESS CODE: 5343995
Thank you on behalf of Patricia McCormick,
Chairperson of Christian Women’s Ministry