In Luke 15:11-24 We have the story of the prodigal son. Within the story we see a son that wants his inheritance now. We also see […]
Have you ever been frustrated with someone who would not follow instructions? You took time to give them instructions that would improve their quality of life […]
The one thing some people are afraid of is being alone. When my children were young and it was bedtime when I turned the light off […]
Have you ever attended a worship service at a church, and you spent the next 2 hours waiting for it to end? There was no excitement […]
The hardest thing to do is lookup when things are weighing you down. This is the posture the enemy wants you to be in, because looking […]
In Matthew 16:13-19 , Jesus is in dialogue with His disciples. The purpose of the discussion is to see if the disciples truly know who He […]
In Matthew 18:1-5 we have the disciples asking Jesus who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven? The question in itself is the opposite of […]
In John 6:1-13 we have the story of how Jesus fed 5,000 people. The crowd was following Jesus because they saw how He healed the sick. […]