In 2 Timothy 3:10-15, Paul is writing to Timothy, to help him to be successful in ministry. Paul knew Timothy was being distracted by the challenges […]
BRBC is apart of giving bottle caps for wheel chairs for charity. See some pictures below: Botha Roberts is a representative from Delta Airlines and as […]
In our world today there are so many things that have become unstable. There are a number of wars happening around the world. The Russians have […]
There is something everyone will have to go through and no one will be able to escape it. The passing of a loved one. When someone […]
Join us for New Year’s Eve Watch Night Prayer. We will be on our Prayer phone conference line tonight. See the information and phone number listed […]
Prayer Warriors are available to pray for you! “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your requests […]
Luke 2:1-20, shares the birth of Jesus Christ, the announcement made to the shepherds, and their leaving the sheep to go see the Messiah. Everything happened […]
The reason Jesus came into the world was to make a difference, and not allow things to continue going in the same direction. In essence, Jesus […]