Jesus Christ came for the primary purpose to change the direction of our lives. We were
all spiraling downward because of the decisions we were making and many thought
there was no alternative. However, once we embraced Jesus Christ things started
looking up and we realized it can be better. This is truly what is needed in our world
today, people need to know it can get better. But it’s left up to us to help people see the
opportunity for change, it is right before their very eyes. Nothing can stop them from
attaining it; except them. That’s why we need to let them know, you don’t have to fix
anything -just come as you are. Jesus Christ will take care of the rest.
The reality is some people feel they are living in Hell right now. They see how things
have become so chaotic and how people are treating one another. Then they look at
their own situation and no matter what they do, things never seem to get any better.
These are the people Jesus Christ wants us to reach, because they need Him in their
lives. Then they will be able to say Hell, No! In Revelation 1:18 , Jesus makes us aware
He has the keys to death and Hades (Hell). When we didn’t have Jesus in our lives we
were locked up in Hell, thinking it can’t get any better. However, when we accept Jesus
Christ we have been freed from Hell, because He has the keys.
There is a process we must bring people through to help them transition from sinner to
saints. The first thing that has to happen, is we have to be willing to go to Hell. I’m not
speaking literally, we have to be willing to meet people where they are; and, some feel
they are in Hell right now. When they begin to share their stories, it may cause us to feel
uncomfortable, but we need to meet them where they are. Then, we have to share with
them how Jesus Christ can change there situation. When we are doing this, Jesus
Christ will begin to raise the Hell out of them. To help them see the possibility of how
their lives can change.
When they are able to see the opportunity before them, then they will be able to get the
Hell out by calling on Jesus Christ to save them. Once this happens, the transition has
begun and the shift starts to take place. This is when the enemy attempts to remind
them of all the things they have done wrong. For the sole purpose of drawing them back
in; but, that’s when they open their mouths and say Hell, No! The Lord has changed me,
and I’m not turning back. Saints, it’s time for us to get busy for the Lord! Continue to
walk in your blessings.