In life we are faced with obstacles that will attempt to divert our attention from making changes that will improve us. Every day we are blessed to see an opportunity God is giving us to improve. In Psalm 99 the writer talks about Moses, Aaron, and Samuel; how they cried out to God and He answered them. What’s stopping us from crying out to God? When we read in Psalm 99 about how they cried out, they are praying. Praying is how we communicate to God our obstacles and He will always respond with the opportunity to move us forward. When we don’t take advantage of the opportunity to tell God, we can’t move forward. We find ourselves becoming frustrated with everything because all we are doing is going in circles. When we are going around in circles, every time we past the same point we become more frustrated because nothing is improving. The more we attempt to fix it ourselves, the worst it becomes. That is why we have to pray to God to break us out of this cycle, because we are incapable of doing it without Him.
What is frustrating you in your life causing you to go in a circle? I want you to understand, God wants to break this cycle and move you forward. What‘s stopping this from happening is you? Now is the time for you to pray to God and tell Him about the obstacles. I present you with this challenge because God wants to improve you and move you forward. What is stopping you!