When you are going through a storm your mind will sometimes wander. As you look at what you are dealing with, it can cause you to question what you believe. This is the enemy’s way of getting you to lose focus, hoping you will go astray and not come back to the Lord. This happens when the storm is raging in your life, and it feels like everything is hitting you all at once. It seems like no matter which way you go, there is no relief and this is what causes you to question everything in your life. It can become so intense you may even question your faith in the Lord. You may never get to this point, but if you do the Lord is big enough to handle your questions. Therefore, no matter how you are feeling, don’t be afraid to bring it to Jesus.
In Luke 7:18-23, this is exactly what is happening to John the Baptist. Herod had him locked up because John spoke against him being with his brother’s wife. John the Baptist had not committed any crimes, he just spoke the truth. However, Herod did not like what he had said. So, John the Baptist was locked up for telling the truth. Once he was in prison the walls were starting to close in on him and he reached the point where he questioned Jesus the Messiah. When his disciples came to visit, John the Baptist had them go and seek out Jesus. When they found Him they asked this question, “are you the One who is to come, or are we to wait for another?” John the Baptist is the one who saw Jesus and told everyone who He is. Also, he baptized Jesus and saw the Holy Spirit come upon Him like a dove. John the Baptist had all the evidence he needed to know Jesus is the Christ (Messiah). So, how could he now question who Jesus is? Because the storm was raging in his life. Therefore, he needed the assurance of knowing what he believed was not in vain. When Jesus heard their questions, He did not get upset with them. Jesus said to them what do you see with your own eyes, the evidence is before you. The blind receive their sight, the lame are walking, the lepers are cleansed, the dead have been raised, and the poor received the Good News. The disciples of John the Baptist had all the evidence they needed to give him the blessed assurance Jesus is the Christ. Jesus is big enough to answer John’s question without becoming upset with Him.
Is the storm in your life raging, and causing you to question what you believe? Please, don’t allow your mind to wander, but bring it to Jesus in prayer. He will not scold or get upset with you, but He will meet you with love. When He does, you will see all the evidence in your life of what He has done. The purpose of this is to bring your thoughts back to Him, because He has never left or forsaken you. Continue to walk in your blessings!