If someone was to hand you a flashlight and tell you it’s not working, what will you do first? You will check to see if there are batteries in it. If there are no batteries, you put them in. The flashlight is useless if it does not have batteries, because they provide the needed electricity to cause the light to shine. Do you realize as a Christian there is a battery you need in order for your light to shine? This battery is not disposable and will not lose its charge. I’m talking about something that is essential in your life and that is faith. I wonder how many people who profess to be Christians but do not function by faith? If you are not moving forward in faith, then your light is unable to shine. If you have to know everything before it happens, then you are not functioning in faith. As a Christian you must walk by faith in order to allow your light to shine. You are to be an example to others, and when your light is shining people are drawn to you. Then you are able to share the Gospel. Giving them the opportunity to make the needed life changes and letting them know nothing will change without faith.
In Hebrews 11:1-3, the writer is sharing his definition of faith, and how we received approval by faith. Also, we are told by faith we believe everything was prepared by the Word of God. The writer dedicates the entire chapter to faith. The writer wants his readers to know everything we accomplish is by faith. In verse 1 it states, “now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” This is the outline of what faith is, and the rest of the chapter elaborates on this definition. As a Christian you need to have the assurance of knowing the Lord will do according to His word. Therefore, you have confidence in moving forward placing your complete trust in the Lord. Also, your conviction is unwavering. In essence you firmly believe the Lord will work it out no matter how it appears. The only way to receive the Lord’s approval is by faith, this is what you learn from verse 2. In Genesis we read about the creation of the world. God first developed the plan, then spoke the words, and everything we see came into being. That which you see was made by things that are not visible. This is what the writer is stating in verse 3. As a Christian your faith must be grounded in God, through His word, and His creation. Therefore, you will not walk around thinking I was lucky to be able to see this, and do that. Once you made the decision to walk by faith the Lord has been your guide every step of the way.
Have you been feeling stuck on this Christian journey? I have one thing to ask, have you been moving by faith? The only way to receive the Lord’s approval is by faith. Therefore, you must move forward knowing the Lord is your guide, and He will take care of you. You will start off with an uneasy feeling, but don’t let it stop you. Because, your blessings are ahead of you, and they will only be revealed once you move forward by faith. Why, because faith changes everything! Continue to walk in your blessings!