Saints, we are all grateful to our mothers, because they took care of us. The woman that raised you and took care of you may not be the woman who birthed you. However, she made sure you had a place you could call home and loved you. We are thanking God for our mothers, they were put in the right place at the right time. They loved us even when they saw the worse in us. They were there during the good and the bad, and always had a word of encouragement for us. I truly believe mothers received an anointing from the Lord in order for them to maintain their constant love and care for us. When you stop and think about some of the stuff you did when you were young, and your mother still hung in there with you. They had to have a calling in their lives for this job. Then I think about Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. She had the task of raising the Savior of the world. This was not something she was looking to do, but God chose her for this task. Mary was blessed and highly favored by God, and was anointed for this task.
In John 19:26-27, we have one of the last seven expressions Jesus made, and this one was for the care of His mother. When Jesus was on the cross suffering and in pain, He saw the pain and suffering His mother was dealing with. Jesus made it a point to focus on the care of His mother during a pivotal moment. He did not want her to become broken by watching Him die on the cross. So, He said to His mother, “Woman, here is your son”, and then He said to the disciple, “Here is your mother”. When He spoke these words to His mother, He called her woman. I believe He wanted to reduce the pain she was already dealing with in seeing Him on the cross. Also, He was letting the disciple know, I want you to care for My mother as your own. Jesus was making sure His mother was not forgotten or lost through all that was taking place. Why, because He knew how much she cared for Him.
I’m talking to every one of us because we don’t want any mother to be lost or forgotten. They may have had to bury a child and now feel forgotten and lost. Or, they are getting up in age and need some assistance, but they feel forgotten. If your mother is up in age you have been blessed, because she is still here. Therefore, you make it your business to get to her, and let her know she is not forgotten, and will never be lost. Jesus understood Mary was called by His Father to be His mother, so He would not allow her to be forgotten or lost. Continue to walk in your blessings.