I wonder how many people are struggling from day to day but continue to tell everybody they are doing good. I’m talking about Christians, who are speaking this way because they don’t want people to know how tough this pandemic has been. They don’t want to appear weak and incapable of making it through these trying times. Saints, asking people to pray for you is not a sign of weakness, but one of strength. When you ask believers to pray for you, this increases the number of people that will be in agreement with you. As the number of people praying for you grows, it will help to bring you through. Why, because there is power in prayer. Paul is a prime example of someone who had no issues asking the saints to pray for him.
In 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5, Paul is asking for prayer. Paul understood the power of prayer, and that having fellow believers praying for you is help. Paul was on a missionary journey and wanted prayer for their success in spreading the Gospel. When this happens, the Lord is glorified everywhere the Gospel touches hearts and changes lives. In verse two, Paul is asking them to pray for the Lord to rescue them from wicked and evil people. This is important because everyone would not be receptive to the Gospel, and some would want to harm them for attempting to share it in their town. The Gospel can only be embraced by those willing to step out on faith, and some of the people they encounter will not entertain this idea. Then in verse three, Paul starts off by saying, “the Lord is faithful”. Paul is reinforcing to the Thessalonians, that they can truly depend on the Lord. I also believe, Paul was making this statement to encourage himself as well. No matter how long we have been Christians, we all need to hear some positive words as we serve the Lord. It’s at this point Paul’s request for prayer turns into words of encouragement for the Thessalonians. He goes on to say, “the Lord will strength and guard them from the evil one.” When we begin to move forward in our purpose the enemy will do his best to block us in every direction.
Then Paul states in verse four, “we have confidence in the Lord concerning you.” There is a lot loaded in this one statement, first, he is saying the Thessalonians will be faithful in praying for Paul and his team as they share the Gospel. Also, to assure the Thessalonians as they move forward in ministry the Lord will take care of them. In verse five he says, “may the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.” Through their faithfulness in the Lord, their hearts will be touched by the love of God. When this happens they will move in the direction the Lord is taking them, and they will remain unwavering in their faith. It’s amazing how Paul asks for help and simultaneously gives words of encouragement to uplift the Thessalonians. The reason Paul was asking for prayer, is that we should not attempt to serve the Lord in isolation. There is power when we pray for one another because we are in this together.
I know you don’t want people in your business, but asking people to pray for you will help. Also, you don’t have to give a lot of details. You can share in general terms what you are asking them to pray. You have to remember there is power in prayer, and the more people you have in agreement with you the better. Why, because we are in this together. Continue to walk in your blessings!