Saints if we are going to be all in for the Lord, we can’t be just hearers of His word. We have to take what we heard and apply it to our lives. This is the only way for us to be victorious. The one thing we can’t do is treat the Word of God like a buffet. We can’t take what we like and leave the rest behind. If we did that, then our spiritual foundation will not be complete: then we will not be able to withstand the storms of life. We have to remember, Jesus Christ came to earth to be all in for us and to show us how to apply God’s Word to our lives. We are more than conquerors if we are applying God’s Word to our lives. In order for us to reach our full potential in the Lord, we have to ingest all He gives us.
In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus is concluding the sermon on the mount. There were a number of things He shared with us to hear and do, so we would be able to live a victorious life. The only way to live in victory is being able to weather the storms of life. We can all look good when everything is going well in our lives. It’s when things aren’t going well that we are able to continue moving forward, knowing the Lord will bring us through. In essence, we can’t gain the victory until we put our complete trust in Jesus Christ, because He is our Rock. This is the Rock we have to build our foundation on because He is the only one that went through it and remained faithful from beginning to end. He is the One we have to rely on during the storms of life, and He will navigate us through it all. His assistance is available to all that put their complete trust in Him when we hear and do as He guides.
The reality is some have selective hearing, so their doing will be incomplete. Therefore, whatever they build may look good, but it will not be able to weather the storms of life. These houses will fall apart because they were built on a foundation of sand. Jesus is letting us know there is no shortcut to living a victorious life because if you are not all in, don’t expect your house to weather the storm.
I encourage you to take a good look at how you are living. Then ask yourself, have you tried to take a shortcut in your Christian journey? If the answer is yes, then you need to tear down the building and go to the Rock. Once you do, the Lord will guide and assist you to ensure the foundation is complete. Then the new house will be able to withstand the storms.
Continue to walk in your blessings!