The Christian Women Ministry Fellowship will meet by Virtual Conference Call on Saturday, May 14, 2022, at 10:00 am. We will share, discuss and fellowship to include our nameless woman and our health topic with tips on preventive care and maintenance.
Rev. Herndon will be back with her segment entitled “Something To Chat About”. Her topic this month is “God”s Sovereignty”. She asked that we read Psalm139. Sovereign is a word we hear referring to God’s character. We say that God can do what he wants to when he wants to, how he wants to, and where he wants to. This indicates that his sovereignty has to do with his decision-making power only. However, God’s sovereignty also relates to the perfect knowledge of man. What are your thoughts on God’s Sovereignty in your life? Let’s chat about it.
PLEASE JOIN US! The call-in numbers are listed below.
1-712-832-8330 or
Access Code 5343995
Looking forward to seeing you there.
Patricia McCormick,
Chairperson CWF