To Broad Rock Baptist Church Family, Friends, and Community: we share blessings of,
comfort, thanksgiving, peace, and joy in God’s love.
Although infestation of covid-19 has decreased, the continuation of Plan B Shoe
Distribution beginning in 2020 will continue for 2022.
Metropolitan Richmond Partnership of Churches/Synagogues “New Shoes For Back
To School Ministry” in its 16th year, has begun preparation for Shoe Distribution 2022
to Title 1 Schools (grades K-12) in Richmond, Chesterfield, and Henrico.
Based on the number of replies from the schools (Elementary, Middle, and High), each
church in the Shoe Ministry Partnership has been assigned two (2) schools to sponsor.
Broad Rock Baptist (a shoe ministry partnership member for seven (7) years is assigned
two (2) Middle Schools.
Your “New” shoe purchase or monetary donation to help fulfill our mission is appreciated.
Requested Shoe Sizes: No Preschool, Toddler, Heels, or Sandles
(include 1/2 sizes in all number sizes)
Boys Sizes: 5 small to 12 large and Girls Sizes: 3 small to 10 large
Shoes/Donations are requested by August 31, 2022, and can be brought to BRBC Sunday
after morning (streaming) worship service (12:30) or Wednesday between 12:30 pm-
1:30 pm. Please wear a mask.
Make checks payable: Broad Rock Baptist Church/Shoe Ministry
5106 Walmsley Blvd., Richmond, Va., 23224
Website: (click donation)
“We Are All In”
Shoe Ministry Church Coordinators/Blue Shirts:
Harriet Hoover (804) 840-7106-Jean Tisdale (804)999-1915- Marilyn Craig (804)625-7255