The pandemic has caused us to place ourselves in isolation, and we are not interacting with people the way we used to. We are unable to have large family gatherings, we are not having church services, or bible study. We are having service and bible study via live web streaming. We have already started thinking about the holidays, and we know things will be different this year. The separation is tough for all of us, because we are not able to congregate. If we are not careful, we can begin to slip into a state of depression.
Separation is not an option; therefore, keep your attention on Christ. When we do, our attitude and mindset will change. The joy the world did not give, will not be taken away, but will overflow in your lives. Because we made the decision that separation is not an option. We will live each day, giving the Lord all the glory, honor, and praise! Continue to walk in your blessings.
We have to change how we are viewing this situation, and look at what Paul is sharing with us in Romans 8:35-39. In verse 35 Paul raises a question, “who will separate us from the love of Christ?” Then he begins to identify various things, but none of them can separate us from the love of Christ. Now is the time for us to strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ, because He is the One that will give us peace during this pandemic. We can’t allow what is happening in our world to hold us hostage any longer. Yes, we need to do all the safety measures prescribed; however, we can’t lose sight of who has blessed us thus far. We can’t allow Christ to get out of focus in our lives. This is the time to remember who we are, and how we are blessed and highly favored. In the midst of this pandemic, we have to know “we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” We have to know the Lord will bring us through this situation, because nothing can “separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord.”