When we look at what is happening in our country, we wonder if our leadership is for us. States are being told to open their schools next month, or they will not receive federal funding. This comes at a time when Covid-19 is spiking throughout our country. This makes you wonder, are our leaders making decisions for the good of the people? When the CDC director changes his statement to appease the wishes of the President, what are we to believe? We are living in a time where nothing appears to be stable.
This is true, the only one we have in our lives that is stable is God. That’s why Paul raised this question in Romans 8:31, “If God is for us, who is against us?” God is the only one that gives us stability in the world, and He sent His son Jesus to let us know we are loved. It’s through the actions of Jesus Christ that has allowed us to know the Lord is with us. Also, in Romans 8:32-34, Paul is sharing with the saints that the Lord will give us everything we need. Why, because through our acceptance of Jesus Christ into our lives we have been justified. Therefore, we are not condemned. Stop looking back, whatever we did has been washed away. It’s time for the saints of God to focus on what is ahead, and allow the Lord to use us to the upmost. There are great things for us to do in the midst of what is happening in our world, and we can do it. Because, the Lord is with us, and He will never leave nor forsake us. Start looking ahead to where your blessings are, because Jesus is sitting at the right hand of our Heavenly Father, interceding for us.
I know as each day passes you are expecting things to get better, but they appear to be getting worse. Hold your head up, and continue to go forward. Knowing the Lord is with you every step of the way. Continue to walk in your blessings!