There is a saying many of us are familiar with, “if you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything”. I wonder how many people in Church are falling? In Isaiah 7:9 (NRSV)it says “if you do not stand firm in faith, you shall not stand at all.” These are the words God gave to Isaiah to share with King Ahaz of Judah. Judah was being attacked by two kingdoms that had made an alliance to destroy them. Once the king and the people heard what was happening they were afraid. That’s when God instructed Isaiah to go to King Ahaz and let him know everything is going to be alright. However, there was something the King had to do, and that was to stand firm in faith. Up to this point King Ahaz was not a man of faith. He did everything accept the will of God. In essence he was falling for anything that came his way.
What excites me about this story is that God was giving the king an opportunity to make a change. This is called grace and mercy! God will always give us an opportunity to move from falling for anything. God was letting him know it is not too late to make a change. The change the king needed to make was not just for him, but for the people as well. If the people see the king standing firm in faith, it will influence the people to do the same. God always blesses us to be a blessing!
I want you to understand; you have influence. There are people that are taking direction from how you are living your life. So, if you are falling for anything, those you influence are doing the same. God is giving you a chance right now to make a change and stand firm in faith. You may feel you don’t deserve this opportunity, truth be told none of us do. It is God showing you grace and mercy. God is giving you this opportunity because of your influence on others. You are being blessed to be a blessing!
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