The presidential candidates are in place for the two major political parties, and both of them will spend the next few month telling us why we should vote for them. The real question Americans what to know from both candidates is why do you want to be president? Are they seeking the position to stroke their ego? Or, are they doing it because they want to serve the American people? In essence will you make a difference? Jesus had to deal with a similar situation in Mark 10:35-40. His disciples James and John asked Him to allow them to sit at His right and left hand in His glory. They wanted the best from Jesus, but were they willing to make a difference? Jesus told them you don’t understand what you’re asking of me.
In verses 41-45 we learn the other 10 disciples heard what James and John were asking Jesus to do and they were angry. Now Jesus had to defuse the situation, so He called them all together. He told them to be great, you must be willing to serve others.
This raises a question to all in the church, why do you want to be in charge? If it’s to have the title, or have a position of power these are the wrong reasons. Our purpose as the people of God is to make a difference. Jesus told His disciples, He did not come to be served, but to serve. He would conclude His serving by giving His life as ransom for many, to make a difference.
The disciples were called by Jesus to learn how to serve. When you look at the 12 disciples none of them were people of authority when Jesus called them. However, He blessed them to be a blessing, so that they could make a difference. You have been called by Jesus, and you are blessed. Now he wants you serve others, so that you can make a difference!
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