In 3 John 1:11 we are encouraged to be imitators of good, not evil. The writer completes the verse with this statement “whoever does evil has not seen God”. The writer wants to make it clear, if you are a Christian you should be imitating Jesus Christ. Jesus is our example on how to do good in the world. The reality is evil had a head start on good, because none of us were born saved. We all have seen evil happening all around us. While evil was running rapid, God was working on getting our attention away from evil so that we could see the good. That’s why we came to the Church, we needed to change our view. Once we were in the Church, we enjoyed the change of view to the point that we gave our lives to Jesus Christ.
What we were watching prior to coming to Church was making us bitter not better. That is what evil does to us, it makes us bitter. However, that is not how God wants us to live, He want us to do good, which makes us better. When we are helping others we are the better for it. The tragedy is when folk just come to Church just to get a change of view for a few hours, and go back to doing all the evil they have been watching.
Who are you watching? Are you imitating those who treat others with no respect? Are you sagging because you are imitating what you are watching? It’s time for you to change what you are watching, because it is making you bitter. God wants you to look at Jesus and learn from Him “because His yoke is easy and His burden is light”. When you watch Jesus and imitate the good He has done, you will be better for it.