On this Mothers’ Day we all need to praise God for a loving mother!
On this Mothers’ Day we all need to praise God for them. There are a number of sacrifices our mothers’ made, because they wanted the best for us. They had to put up with a lot for us to have what we needed. They were able to make it through all the trials and tribulations we put them through, because they had faith in Jesus Christ. In Matthew 15:21-28, we have an example of a mother that was not going to be denied an audience with Jesus Christ. This woman was not a Jew, but a Canaanite. Her daughter was being tormented by a demon, and she believed Jesus could heal her. When this mother saw Jesus she began to shout out to Him, but He did not respond to her. It was at this time, His disciples said to Him send her away because she keeps shouting. Jesus was teaching them a great lesson, The Lord is moved by people that come to Him by faith. Jesus then says to her in verse 24 “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”. I truly believe He made this statement to let His disciples know how committed this mother was in her faith. After Jesus said this, the mother came and knelt before Him and said “LORD, help me”. Then Jesus said “Am I to take the children’s food and throw it to dogs?” The mother responded “The dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.” Then Jesus responded “Woman, great is your faith!” Jesus had this dialogue with this mother to show His disciples, she was not going to let go. She was committed in her faith and was not going to let anything get in her way. Then Jesus healed her daughter.
We shared a biblical account of what a mother did for her child, but stop and think what your mother has done for you. Some of our mothers have been called home to glory. I want y’all to take some quiet time and thank God for blessing you with a loving mother. Those whose mothers’ are still with us spend some quality time with them, and tell them how much you love them. Happy Mothers’ Day!