In Luke 7:11-17 something extraordinary took place between Jesus, a mother, and her only son. Jesus, His disciples, and a large crowd were heading to Nain. As they approached the city gate, a large funeral procession was coming out to bury a mother’s only son. This mother’s grief was severe because she was also a widow. When Jesus saw this, He looked at the mother and could feel her pain and sorrow. He had compassion for her and went to her and said “do not weep”. I know the mother did not understand why Jesus told her this, and I don’t think she knew what He was capable of doing for her and her son.
Jesus approached the bier that had her dead son on it and touched it, and the bearers stood still. Then Jesus said “Young man, I say to you, rise!” The son who was dead sat up and began to speak. The amazing thing about the story is that the mother never asked Jesus to do anything, but still her son was brought back to life. What Jesus did in this situation is what mothers have been doing for their children, taking care of them without them asking.
In verse 16, it tells us “fear seized all of them, and they glorified God”. The word I want to pull out of this verse is “all”. That means those that followed Jesus to Nain, and those that followed the mother out of the city. They all glorified God for what has taken place. Jesus is always working in the moment, because He is the difference maker. He was teaching His followers, they should not pass by people who are broken and say or do nothing. We have been commissioned by the difference maker to make a difference. When we follow His lead, we will move people to glorify God!
Mothers I want you to be encouraged on this Mothers’ Day, and know Jesus sees you and He has compassion for you. To all mothers: have a blessed day!
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