How is a christian able to say “I am alive”? Is it because we have been saved by Jesus Christ, or is it through being washed in His blood? Yes, we have been saved by Jesus Christ and we have been washed in His blood. We are convicted by these statements, because we have made the decision to live a life of faith. With the understanding we were dying in our sins, but Jesus Christ saved us. Our lives were stained with our sins, but His blood has washed and made us whiter than snow. With all of this taken place in our lives where is the evidence of our transformation? That is where our faith comes to the forefront. In James 2:17 it reads, “So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead”. In essence James is saying if we are alive then we are working through our faith. Every christian should be working for The Lord through their faith. However, some will not work until they see some results. If we don’t get started until we see some results then that is not a work through faith. When we step out on faith we begin the work by planting the seeds, knowing that The Lord will provide the increase.
We were saved by Jesus Christ to activate our faith through the work He has for us. Because “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few” Matthew 9:37. Now is the time for us to let the world know we are alive. Through our works, motivated by our faith, we will live and do whatever The Lord has for us. As we are doing this, we are letting all we come in contact with know “I am alive”!