What excites me about being a Christian is being chosen by God. Initially when I gave my life to Jesus Christ, I thought this was a choice that originated with me. Once I began to read the Bible, in the Old Testament there was a reoccurring theme. Men and women were chosen by God to perform various tasks to glorify Him. In the New Testament when I read the Gospels, Jesus specifically chose His disciples. They followed Him and became the ones to take the Gospel to the world. They understood through the teaching of Jesus Christ, the difference He could make in any life that accepts Him as Lord and Savior. This is the reason why you and I were chosen by God, to take the Gospel to the world to make a difference.
In 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17, this is what Paul was pointing out to the people of God. He made them aware they were chosen by God, through being called by the proclamation of the good news. In essence through hearing about Jesus Christ and how He died for our sins, and was resurrected from the dead. When the Thessalonians heard the Good News, some were already chosen by God to embrace His word, and then share it with others. Paul wanted them to understand they would have to stand firm, because they would face some challenges. However, they did overcome, because the Lord comforted their hearts and strengthened them in every good work and word.
I want you to know the Lord has a plan for you, because you are God’s choice. I don’t know the specifics, but it does involve you being a difference maker. Therefore, it’s time to go and make a difference!
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