In Genesis 28:10-18 we read about how Jacob used a stone for his pillow as he slept under the stars. How did he get to this point? This was the result of Jacob deceiving his father into giving him his brother’s blessing. Esau planned to kill Jacob once their father died. Their mother was told of Esau’s intentions, so she developed a plan to send Jacob to her brother in Haran.
What is interesting about this situation is the haste in which Jacob left. He left so quickly that he did not take any supplies; he feared for his life. I also believe guilt weighed on him for what he had done. This convinced him that his brother might try to kill him now.
This is how he ended up using a stone for a pillow and sleeping under the stars. While he was dreaming, God spoke to him showing a ladder that reached up to heaven, and he saw angels ascending and descending on it. Then God told him how he would be blessed and that He would be with him. Once Jacob woke up, he realized God is present in his life. Even though God was not pleased with his actions, He was still present in his life, and he was able to continue. As he went forward, he realized his sins were forgiven, so he had to make a choice to improve his life. Why, because he realized God is present.
What guilt are you holding on too? What are you trying to run away from? In the mist of what you are going through, I want you to know God is present in your life. You may feel you are not deserving of His presents, but God’s love is not predicated on your actions. He loves you because He created you in His image and He wants the best for you. Now you have to make a decision on where you go from here. Will you continue on your current path that keeps you on the run with guilt weighing you down? Or, will you make the needed changes in your life and realize God is present?