The struggle for some is to do whatever God instructs them. The word in the prior statement that causes concern is “whatever”, because that means there are no boundaries. God does not want us to place any boundaries on how He wants to use us. An example of this is when God instructed Abraham to take his son Isaac to the land of Moriah and offer him as a burnt offering (Genesis 22:1-14). In hearing what God had instructed him to do, he could have been disobedient, because this was his only son. However, Abraham did the opposite, he embraced the instructions he received and traveled to the land of Moriah. I know this was not easy, especially when Isaac said, “The fire and wood are here, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” Genesis 22:7 (NRSV). Abraham told him God would provide. We learn from the statement Abraham made that God does not what us to place any boundaries on what He will do for us. Abraham was able to make this statement because he was already on a faith journey with God, and realized He is dependable! When the time came to offer his son an angel stopped him, because he realized Abraham would not hold back anything from God. Then Abraham saw a ram in the thicket and used it for the offering.
God wants you to understand, He is to come first in your life. There is nothing that is more important in your life than God. Why? Because He is the one who provides everything you need, and without Him you would have nothing. He wants you to break down any boundaries in your life and start your faith journey. When you do this you will come to understand like Abraham, God is dependable! So, what are you waiting for?