In 1 Samuel 16:1-13 we have the story of how David was chosen to be the next king of Israel. The Lord had instructed Samuel to go to Jesse’s house because the next king would be one of his sons. When Samuel saw Jesse’s oldest son, he immediately thought this will be the next king of Israel. He came to this conclusion based on his own image of what the king should look like. Samuel was using Saul as the standard for the next king. This is interesting because The Lord had rejected Saul from being the king of Israel, so why would he use him as the standard? The Lord told Samuel, it is not about appearance or stature. This is how people make their decisions. “The Lord looks on the heart”. The Lord was teaching Samuel then and us now, don’t get caught up in appearances. If this is the only thing that matters, you will not make the right choice.
After The Lord rejected the oldest son, Jesse had six more sons brought to him and they were all rejected. After they were all rejected, Samuel asked Jesse “are all your sons here?” He replied the youngest (David) is keeping the sheep. What intrigues me is why was he left out? Did his father think he did not fit the profile? It did not matter to The Lord what the father’s reason was for leaving him out. It was time for David to come in, because The Lord was anointing him to be the next king of Israel. He was anointed in the presence of all of his brothers.
What about you? Have you felt like you have been left out, because you do not fit the profile? I want you to know it does not matter how many people have pushed you a side, or have not considered you. The Lord sees you and is blessing you. He has anointed you for a task others have dismissed you for. So, it’s now time for you to come in!