I’m thankful we serve a God that gives His all. Before Jesus came to the world, He knew that in order to redeem us, He had to give His life. He also knew the amount of pain and suffering He was going to have to endure. In Isaiah 53:5 it tell us what the Messiah was going to endure, so that we could be whole and healed. This is the prophecy that was given, and Jesus fulfilled it. Which tells me God has given us the opportunity to be whole and healed. The question is do we want this opportunity? I’m sure most of us-if not all, would say yes. All of us have areas in our lives that we want to be whole. All have experienced being sick and have been healed. Then there are some that are battling serious illnesses and need God’s healing. We all need God’s help, but are we all in? We have to understand God will not be short changed. There is no question that God is all in, but what about us? We’ve become so consumed with the issues of life that we short change the Giver of life. We need to take a step back during this Lenten season and examine where we are in our relationship with the Lord. Then we need to take action to make the adjustments to be all in.
Do you find yourself so consumed with life issues that there is no time for anything else? If so, you have to make some adjustments. If you are a Christian you have to take some time to pray and ask the Lord to help you. Now is not the time to short change the Lord, because He is the source of all your blessings. The Lord will work with you so that you will be at the point you are all in. If you don’t know the Lord, it’s time for you to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Then I want you to ask the Lord to direct you to a Church. Once you are there the Lord will teach you how to be all in. Be blessed indeed!
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