The Friday Jesus was crucified was a dark day for His followers. They saw all the miracles He had done and the number of people that were impacted by His actions. When Jesus entered a town, it was not the same after He left it because of the number of lives He touched. They thought that all the positive things He had done would draw all of Israel’s people to be drawn to Him. However, it was absolutely necessary for Him to go to the cross to be the final sacrifice for the entire world. This is why it was hard for his disciples to see Goodness hanging and dying on the cross. The key to Him being crucified was not the end, but to create a new beginning that would allow all to be saved by Jesus Christ.
In Luke 24:25-35, two disciples were heading to a village seven miles from Jerusalem. They were walking and discussing what had taken place in Jerusalem. Jesus joined them while they were walking, but they did not recognize Him. It is also stated in these verses that these two were feeling sad and hopeless about what happened to Jesus just a few days ago. Then Jesus raises this question to them, “What are you discussing with each other while you walk along?” Then one of the men spoke and could not understand how He did not know what took place in Jerusalem. So, it was explained to Jesus, how they took Jesus of Nazareth and crucified Him. These two men were hoping Jesus of Nazareth was the one to redeem Israel. Their hope was lost once He was crucified. They explained to Jesus how some women went to the tomb and did not find His body. The women saw a vision of an angel, who told them He is alive. They told the disciples, and some of them went to the tomb and found it empty as they said.
Then Jesus began to teach them about all the Messiah had to go through. When they reached their village, they encouraged this man to stay with them because the day was nearly over and it would be dark soon. The two men would not allow Jesus to pass them by. As they sat at the table Jesus took the bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Once this took place they recognized it was Jesus, and then He vanished. They said, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking to us on the road, while He was opening the scriptures to us?” These men were now on fire for the Lord, and they left their village and went back to Jerusalem. Why, because it’s a new day!
When you receive a blessing from the Lord, it’s like a fire that cannot be contained. They had to spread the good news to those that were in the same state of despair. To allow them to receive the burning of the Good News inside of them. This was the start of the Good News that would be shared throughout the entire world. It’s a new day! Continue to walk in your blessings.