I wonder how many followers of Jesus Christ are focusing on the wrong things. The first thing you need to know is that you are not in competition with your fellow Christians. We all have a calling in our lives, that is specific to us. The second thing you need to know is this, you have to be authentic. In essence, you are not to mimic others, because this will impede your ability to flourish in your calling. The third thing you need to know is this, you have to focus on following the Lord. Why, because you will have enough to deal with, therefore, you can’t get caught up in how someone else is following Jesus Christ. This is exactly what Peter attempted to do.
In John 21:20-23, Peter wanted to know what was going to happen in the life of another disciple. Why was this important to Peter? Jesus had told Peter in verses 18 and 19 what was going to happen to him once he was old. Then Jesus said to Peter, “Follow Me”. In serving Jesus Christ we can expect the truth. He will not sugarcoat anything but will tell you the truth. Once you hear it, you have to make the decision on what you are going to do. The Lord does not share the truth to cripple you but to free you. The one thing you can’t forget, the Lord will be there with you every step of the way. There is nothing in this life you have to face alone once you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. However, after Peter received this information, he wanted to know what was going to happen in the life of another disciple. The Lord said to Peter, “What is that to you? Follow Me!” Jesus wanted Peter to focus on following Him, and not get caught up in what was going to happen to someone else.
This is a message for you today. Whatever the Lord has for you, is where you should place your attention. Also, when you follow the Lord, He is going to bless you along the way. You will go through some trials and tribulations, but you know the Lord will make away. Therefore, stay focused on your purpose, to allow the anointing on your life to flourish. Continue to walk in your blessings.