Now that we have given our lives to Jesus Christ, there is something we are all responsible for doing. That is making an impact on those we come in contact with. As we allow the Lord to guide us, He will have us make an impact on everyone we encounter. It’s important for you to understand, you don’t have to tell people I’m a Christian. Why, because your actions will define who you are. Once people interact with you they will come to their own conclusion. Think about this, you have interacted with people, and walked away with how you have defined them. You defined them, based on how they interacted with you. You have come to this conclusion, because the encounter had an impact. All encounters will have an impact on you, whether it was good or bad, you came to your own conclusion. However, you want to have positive encounters with people, so they will be able to see the evidence of Christ in your life. The outcome you want them to have, is coming to the conclusion that you are a Christian.
In Acts 11:19-26, the writer is sharing how the Church scattered from Jerusalem, because of the stoning of Stephen. Some of them traveled great distances, because they wanted to get as far as possible from Jerusalem. The Jews were thinking, by scattering they would remain silent. However, the opposite took place, they were sharing the Gospel with fellow Jews for the sole purpose of getting them to accept Jesus Christ. But some of them ventured to share the Gospel with Gentiles in Antioch and they were receptive to the teaching. In large numbers they were accepting the teaching of Jesus Christ. News of what was taking place in Antioch, was told to the Church in Jerusalem. So, they sent Barnabas to Antioch to investigate. When he arrived, he was amazed at what was taking place. He knew this was the work of the Lord. The Lord used a negative situation to cause the people of God to scatter from Jerusalem, and share the Gospel everywhere they went. Barnabas left Antioch and went to Tarsus to get Saul to assist in the work. They went back to Antioch and stayed there for a year teaching the Gospel. The people were impacted by their teaching, and came to their own conclusion. They were the first to call the disciples Christians.
Based on your interactions with people, what type of impact have you made on them? In essence what conclusion have they come to, and how have they defined you. Prior to the disciples going to Antioch they were identified as those of the “Way”. Think about this: the disciples were given this label by those they taught, and we are still called Christians. This shows the impact that was made then and should still be happening today. Continue to walk in your blessings!