The struggle many face today is standing firm on the Word of God. The only way to stand firm is through having a personal relationship with the Lord. This relationship is established when you use the Word of God as your guide in every aspect of your life. When this happens you will begin to see how God will work all things together for your good. Through doing this you will be rooted in the Lord, and you will not allow others to sway you into another direction. This is what took place in Joshua 24:14-15, when Joshua told the people to choose whom they will serve. The gods of their ancestors or the Lord. Then he states, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua knows the only reason he was successful was that the Lord blessed him. When he looks over the pages of his life the one constant was the Lord. Being called to lead the people into the promise land, and conquering the people that were there. To having land they did not labor for, towns they did not build, to eat the fruit of vineyard, and olive yards they did not plant. God was the one that made all this possible. In essence Joshua was saying “you better know it”, it was nobody but the Lord. Therefore, why would you consider serving any god but the Lord.
It’s important for you to know who is directing you, and understand what He has done for you. What can cause you to become distracted? When you take your attention from the blessings that are before you. Joshua outlined in verse 13, all the Lord has done for them, to bring their attention back to their blessings. The same is true for you, your blessings are before you, and it was nobody but God who did it. You better know it! Be blessed indeed.