Last week we shared how the Lord equipped David for battle with the Philistine. However, David had to convince king Saul that he was not afraid to challenge the Philistine. When David went to battle against Goliath, he had his staff, sling, and five smooth stones. These were the items he had used in battle against the predators that came to take the sheep. With his weapons for battle, David went to face the champion of the Philistine army.
In 1 Samuel 17:41-51, we have the battle between David and Goliath. When The Philistine saw David, he did not consider him to be a worthy opponent. Goliath, like Saul, underestimated the ability of David being able to give him a fight. Why, because David did not have a sword, shield, or javelin, and he was not dressed in the attire for someone preparing for battle. The Philistine even mocked David for having a staff, because he stated, “am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” There were a number of things happening that could have caused David to waiver. When he saw the size of Goliath up close, and seeing all the weapons he had for the battle. None of this phased David, because he knew the Lord had prepared him for this moment. David said in verse 45, n”you come to me with sword and spear, and javelin; but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel.”
Saints, we have to remember what the Lord has done for us in the past. Therefore, we will not waiver in our current situation, because if He did it before, He will do it again. We have to remember, we have been equipped by the Lord to be victorious. So, no matter how big the current situation is, it’s still not bigger than our God. Also, know the Lord has set you up to be successful, so failure is not an option. This is what David believed, because he ran to face his enemy believing victory was his. When David placed the stone into the sling, he had his focus on hitting Goliath in the head. And, this is what happened, the stone lodged in the forehead of Goliath, and he fell to the ground defeated by an opponent he thought was unworthy. When you move by faith, trusting in the power of the Lord, nothing is able to defeat you.
I want you to know, the purpose of the giants in your life is to create chaos. They are there to cause fear, and make you feel incapable of accomplishing anything. Every time you think you can do something is when the giant shows up, and it causes you to run away. Today is a new day, and you will not allow the giant to control you. Why, because you understand you have been equipped to be victorious. Therefore, you will not run away, but run toward the giant, because the Lord has given you the victory. You have experienced victory over other things to remind you, the Lord will do it again. Continue to walk in your blessings.