When I was on vacation, I was talking with someone who runs a plumbing business. He shared with me that the number of people wanting to be a plumber has dropped dramatically. I was surprised to hear this because this is a trade that is in demand. Why, because every building has plumbing, and will need a plumber to correct the problems. This made me think about the saints, are we engaging people and sharing the good news with them? The ministry of the Church has to extend outside the walls. Yes, we come to Church to be refreshed, regenerated, and recharged. For the sole purpose of taking the Good news wherever we go. In essence, every Christian is called to make an impact on the lives of those we come in contact with.
In Matthew 9:35-38, Jesus is going through the cities and villages, teaching, preaching, curing, and healing people. As He was ministering, the size of the crowds were growing because the needs of the people were great. People were drawn to Jesus because He met them where they were. Not to pass judgment on them, but to share the truth giving them the opportunity to receive or reject what He had to offer. Jesus had compassion for the people, because they were harassed and helpless. In essence these were the least, the lost, and the forgotten. They were the people in these cities and villages that were pushed aside, because people thought they had nothing to offer. However, Jesus saw them differently. He came to provide them with what they needed. Once they received it, then they shared with others what the Lord had done for them. This was the reason the crowds were increasing in size. As this was taking place, Jesus said to His disciples, “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”
It was true then and still holds true today. The harvest are the least, the lost, and the forgotten, that are passed daily as though they don’t exist. Jesus wants His disciples to be willing to meet people where they are in order to help them. The Church is not to wait for them to come, but to go where they are. Why, because those that need Jesus think they will not be accepted, so they will not come. That’s why we have to go where they are, and let them know they are welcome to come. In verse 38, Jesus said, “therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
What is stopping you from sharing the Gospel with others? Are you afraid, because you are not sure what to say to people, or you think they are not going to listen to what you have to say. Let me help you, when the Lord places you in these situations, He will provide you with the words to share. The Lord is counting on you, and He will not place you in a position for you to fail. So, let’s go! Continue to walk in your blessings.