Saints, the pandemic has caused some to step outside the will of the Lord, and do things that were not pleasing in His sight. Their hearts have been stained by all that has happened, and they have not been respectful of others and themselves. David made a mistake. Mistakes happen, rather than confess it, the decision was made to cover it. This is exactly what happened to David when he slept with Bathsheba. She was carrying his child, but David tried to cover it up by having her husband come home from battle. When this did not work, he had him killed and took Bathsheba as his wife. With these actions, David’s heart was stained. But, the Lord would not allow him to remain this way, so the prophet Nathan was sent to David to expose his sin. Once his sin was exposed, David confessed what he had done wrong.
In Psalm 51:10-12, we read what David asked of the Lord after his sin was exposed. He realized the condition of his heart, because of the choices he made. He asked the Lord to clean his heart because through his choices it had been stained with sin. He knew the Lord was the only One capable of cleansing his heart. David could not move forward doing the Lord’s will, with the stain of sin on his heart. He tried to move forward and was unable to because while he was covering up what he had done, it was weighing him down. What have you done that is weighing you down because you have tried to cover it up? It has stained your heart and has immobilized you. The Lord wants you to confess your mistakes and He will cleanse your heart.
David also knew the impact was not just physical, but spiritual as well. This is why he asked the Lord to put a new and right spirit in him. The choice he made also impacted the spirit within him and his choice created a disconnect with the spirit of God.
David was troubled by the choices he made because he felt separated from the Lord. Therefore, he does not want the Lord to cast him away and take His Holy Spirit from him. This troubled David tremendously. He knows the Lord has brought him through various trials and tribulations and had anointed him to be king of Israel. With all the Lord has done, how could he make a mistake like this? David, who danced as the ark was brought into the city, feels no joy within because of his choices. Saints, we have all made choices that the Lord was not pleased with, and in some cases, we felt we would not be able to recover from them. Therefore, we felt the joy of the Lord was no longer attainable for us.
When David asked the Lord to restore His joy and spirit, I believe the Lord did just that. Anyone can ask for forgiveness but are you speaking from your heart. When the Lord hears our words, He is looking at our hearts to see if this is the source from which we speak. If so, then the restoration can begin because the Lord knows you have truly repented for what you have done! Continue to walk in your blessings!