During the Lenten season we will bring attention to our theme for the year “I have value”. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us by giving His life, allowing us the opportunity to be whole. I encourage all that read these blogs to share them with others.
Can you imagine seeing someone trying to drive a car with less than four tires? You would think it was funny, because the car is unable to function correctly. Cars were built to be driven with four tires. We are no different, how many of us are trying to move forward, but we are not whole. In Isaiah 53:4-5, is the prophecy about Jesus coming to make us whole. The prophecy has come to pass, so there is no reason for anyone to be unable to function. However, there are people that have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They are like cars that are trying to move forward with less than four tires. Before we can say we have value, we must first understand the value God sees in us. We know He sees value in us, because He created us in His image. When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden we became incomplete. Jesus had to come to make us whole again by taking our punishment and placing it on himself (Isaiah 53:5). Why, because we were incapable of doing it ourselves.
It’s time for you to recognize this problem is bigger than you, and help is needed to be made whole. Jesus Christ is the only mechanic that knows what you need to be made whole. He sees how you have been trying to function, but you have been unsuccessful. Just like that car with less than four tires. It time to pull over and call on Jesus. He is the only one that is able to make you whole.
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