There is something that bothers us and we don’t know how to handle it. When you share the Gospel with people, the expectation is they will be moved. Why, because you are sharing with them how the Lord will break the chains of sin from their lives. Giving them an opportunity to change their lives, so that they will not be stuck in sin. However, the opposite happens, and you don’t understand what you have done wrong. You spend time thinking if you had presented it another way, they would have been receptive. When you are spending all your energy thinking about what you could have done differently, you are wasting time because there are people waiting to hear the Gospel.
There is something I need you to remember, everyone who heard Jesus speak the Gospel was not receptive to it. They had Emmanuel before their eyes, and still they did not listen to what He had to say. Jesus came to give everyone the opportunity to be saved, but if they choose not to believe and accept Him they remain in bondage. But, the Lord continued to move forward sharing the Gospel.
In Matthew 10:11-14, Jesus gives His disciples the task of traveling around and sharing the Gospel. I know they were excited to have the opportunity to share the Word with others that changed their lives. However, the Lord knew they would face opposition, and He did not want them to be burdened by it. So, the Lord told them to do the following, “if anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake off the dust from your feet as you leave that house or town.” In essence the Lord was letting them know, don’t allow their rejection to cause you to question your ministry. Why, because you were sent by the Lord to provide the opportunity for them to be saved. If they choose to reject the Gospel, it’s not your fault. Everyone is responsible for accepting or rejecting the Gospel, so you can’t blame yourself for the choice someone makes. Also, they are not rejecting you, but the One you represent.
Jesus knew some people would reject what they had to say, but they continued to press their way forward in what they were called to do. Why, because they have been anointed and appointed by the Lord.
What about you, have people rejected your ministry? If so, you are not to question your ministry, because the Lord is the One who anointed and appointed you. You cannot allow rejection to cause you to think you are incapable or inadequate. The Lord believes in you, so if someone rejects you, the Ministry shake it off and continue to move forward. Why, because you are doing the work of the Lord. Continue to walk in your blessings!