We are living in a time where fear is dominating the lives of some, and we see others living recklessly. These are two extremes in the spectrum of life. Living a life in fear causes us to focus on the obstacles, and we begin to separate ourselves from everything around us. Fear wins in the lives of those that are focusing on their limitations. Those that are living recklessly, believe whatever is happening will not touch them. Therefore, they don’t stop doing what they want. These two life styles are happening during this pandemic. Those with fear will not spread Covid-19, but they have created an environment that is unhealthy to themselves. Where those living recklessly can become an agent for Covid-19, and spread it wherever they go.
In these two life choices there is something missing, and that is God. When God is absent from our lives we either live fearfully, or we believe I’m in control of what happens to me. There was a time when we were in one of these categories, but we are thankful, we now have a relationship with God. This was made possible through our acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. As Christians, we no longer attempt to think our way through life, we allow God to guide us through His Word. In Isaiah 41:10, we are told by God, “do not fear, I am with you”. These words bring us comfort, and we are reminded we are not on this journey of life by ourselves. God is with us every step of the way. We are also told in this verse by God, He will strengthen, help, and uphold us with His victorious right hand. Therefore, we don’t live in fear, nor do we move forward without the guidance of God. Everyday we wake up is a blessing and we know who is blessing us. He will guide us in all we do, and will protect and shield us from Covid-19. This is why we are good, because God has let us know how He is taking care of us. I know you have days that you struggle to move forward, because of all that is happening. Today, I want you to read Isaiah 41:10, and see all that God is saying to you. After you read the verse look at yourself in the mirror, and say, “I’m good”. You are living and breathing, because God is blessing you, and everything He does for you is for your good. I’m encouraging you to trust God, and don’t live in fear, or be reckless. He will bring you through this pandemic. Thank you God, for blessing and keeping us safe. Continue to walk in your blessings!