Our theme for 2020 is: I’m all in. This is what we do, because we are God’s investment. We are going to look at James 2:14-26 for the next two weeks, to see why it’s important for us to be all in. This week we are going to focus on verses 14-19. The writer wants us to realize the importance of our faith. It’s not enough to say you have faith, your works are the evidence. The writer wants us to live our faith through everything we do. Our service to others in need, is one way to put our faith to work. James saw someone who said, they have faith in Jesus Christ. However, when they were confronted with those in need, they gave them words, not service. James saw this as an injustice to what we ought to be about, and the possibility of those in need coming to Christ is highly unlikely. If, all we do is offer words. The question I believe he is raising is are you all in? Jesus let us know He was all in, because His works spoke volumes over His words. Since we call ourselves Christians then the same should be true about us.
James also wants us to know to say you believe does not me you have faith. He shared with us in verse 19 “Even the demons believe – and shudder”. They believe, but they do not choose to follow the will of God. In essence a lot of people believe in God, but choose not to step out on faith and do His will. Therefore, these individuals are not all in.
What about you? Do you speak the words only, or does your work speak volumes over your words? As a Christian the purpose of what you do is not to impress people, but to press upon them how much they are love by the Lord. This will only happen when you are all in! Be blessed indeed.