Was there ever a time in your life prior to being saved by Jesus Christ, that you felt distant from everybody and everything? Some would immediately say yes, without any hesitation. They made decisions that caused them to drift away, from everything that was important in their lives. They had reached a point where they felt there was no turning back.
However, look at your life now. You have been anointed and empowered by the Lord, and are doing things in your life you thought were not possible. Which tells me you were never too far away for the Lord to draw you back to Himself.
In Matthew 2:1-12, we have the story of the wise men in the east that saw a star rising and were intrigued by it. This star was like none other, and got the attention of the wise men. They interpret the star to mean a king had been born. Therefore, they prepared gifts to give to the new born king, and set out to find Him by following the star. The star led them to Jerusalem, and then it disappeared, so when they saw Herod’s home, they assumed this must be the place where the king was born. When they got an audience with Herod, they inquired about the birth of the King. This was troubling to Herod, because he was ruthless and even murdered his wife, and sons. This was not good news to him, he saw this as a threat to his reign in Jerusalem. He called together all the chief priests and scribes asking them where the Messiah was to be born. They shared from scripture, He was to be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). Herod told the wise men to head to Bethlehem, and once they find the child come back and let him know. Once they left Herod, the star rose again and guided them to the house where Jesus and His parents were staying. When they came in the house they knelt before Jesus and paid Him homage, then they presented Him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
God was the One that motivated them to travel such a distance to allow them to see the King of kings, and Lord of lords. Which tell me we are never too far away, the Lord will bring us back to Him. These were men who spent there lives as astrologers, and would look at the stars to determine what decisions they would make. However, God met them where they were, to get their attention. Once He had their attention, he guided them to His Son, so that they would have an opportunity to worship Him.
God went to great lengths to get their attention and bring them to Jesus. These men who never spent time worshiping God had been given the opportunity to worship the Savior of the world. This lets me know, you are never too far away for God to bring you back. Thank you, Lord! Continue to walk in your blessings.