I wonder how many people in the church are stuck, because they don’t feel worthy to do what God is calling them to do. They have allowed yesterday to define their today. This is not how we are to function, because the church is filled with people that were once broken. The only one that was able to make us whole again is Jesus Christ. We have to ask ourselves, why did He do this? Because, He is calling us to do God’s will, He will show us what to do as we move forward, and He will show us that we are on the right track.
In Romans 8:29-30, Paul is teaching the Romans the spiritual progression that God takes us through. First, we have to know we have been predestined. God had a plan for us even before we were formed in our mother’s womb. Second, to be conformed in the image of Jesus Christ. When people see us, we want them to see Christ. When this happens they are not focusing on us, but on the One that sent us to do His will. When this occurs we can answer the call on our lives, because we have come to the realization that it’s not about us. Third, the Lord will justify us in what we have been called to do. We know it’s God, because this was not the direction we were planning to go. Those lives you touch will let you know how you bless them. We will immediately let them know this is the Lord, and we are the vessel He is working through. When this happens, we are humbled because we remember how broken we were. This is the Lord letting us know that He is working in us and through us. Fourth, we will see how lives are not only blessed, but how people are being transformed doing the work of the Lord. The Lord is letting us see the fruits of our labor to encourage us to continue moving forward with the Lord’s plan for our lives.
I don’t want you focusing on what you did wrong, because it is the obstacle that is stopping you from moving forward. Focus on how the Lord has transformed your life, and calling you to do a great work for Him. Once you answer the call, He will justify and glorify you. Then you will realize this is the Lord’s plan for your life. Be blessed and continue to walk in your blessings!