First let me say, Happy Father’s Day to all the men that have committed themselves to do whatever is necessary to provide for their families. The number of hours they work to make sure they have a place to live, food to eat, and clothes for the family. Fathers tend to be sterner with the children, and sometimes it comes across as though they don’t care as much. This is far from being accurate, they love their children. We are able to see an example of this in Mark 9:14-27. This is an example of a father who was willing to go great lengths, for his son to be healed by Jesus.
Whenever his son would have a seizure, the father was feeling like he could not breathe. He felt this way, because he loved his son. This is what motivated him to take his son to Jesus, so they could both be able to breathe. When he arrived where he was expecting to see Jesus, He wasn’t there, but the disciples thought they could handle the problem. When they failed, the man probably felt like he could not breathe, and thoughts were running through his mind this was a mistake. Once Jesus showed up, the man approached and explained the problem. When they brought the son to Jesus, he had a seizure in His presence, then an extraordinary thing took place. Jesus begins to talk with the father asking him “how long has this been happening to him?” This father is struggling to breathe right now, because of what his son is going through in the presence of Jesus. The father does not see this as a time to talk, but time for action his son needs to be healed.
The conversation is necessary, because the father is not able to breathe. The father wants to end the conversation with Jesus and move Him to action, he says to Jesus “if you are able to do anything, have pity on us and help.” This statement lets us know the father was hurting just as much as his son, and he wanted it to come to an end. Then Jesus says to the father “if you are able! – All things can be done for the one who believes.” After the father heard what Jesus said, he had to stop and take a deep breath. After he did this, he responded “I believe; help my unbelief.” Jesus knew the struggles within the father, and wanted him to breathe and stop allowing the problem to overwhelm him. Through him telling Jesus the truth his son was healed. I want you to know fathers love their children. Happy Father’s Day to all fathers, enjoy your day. Continue to walk in your blessings.