People spend a tremendous amount of time trying to find joy. They will look for joy in various places; but, it does not seem to last. Once people come to church, they realize their search is over. By having an encounter with The Lord they realize joy can be sustained. The Lord places joy inside of us where no one can take it away, and we are constantly reminded from within about how God loves us. Why do you think there are some people who can’t wait for the Church doors to be open, because there is something that takes place inside of them that goes beyond words.
In Psalm 84:1-2, the writer talks about God’s dwelling place being lovely and how he longs to be there. For the child of God there is no place that can compare on earth to our place of worship. When we come into the place of worship God puts our minds at ease and moves our spirit to a place of rest. Then, He reminds us how blessed we are and how He will continue to shower us with blessings. After this you can’t help but praise His holy name, because of the joy He has placed inside of us.
Where have you been looking for joy? Now is the time for you to find your way to Church and have an encounter with The Lord. If you have already accepted Jesus Christ into your life, He will revitalize you. If you don’t know Jesus Christ, now is the time to accept Him as your Lord and Savior. He will make your life brand new. He will give you joy on the inside that the world cannot take away. So, make the decision to come to church, because there is joy in God’s house!