In Joshua 5:13-15, we read about the encounter Joshua had with a man. When Joshua saw him, he asked if he was with them or their adversaries? The man stated, “neither; but as commander of the army of the Lord, I have now come.” The commander was making him aware, that Joshua needed to make a decision whose side he was on. Once Joshua heard what the commander said, he went to the ground and began to worship the Lord. Before this encounter, Joshua saw the walled city of Jericho, and he knew it would be a monumental task to penetrate it. The commander had come to let him know what the Lord was going to do. The Lord wanted Joshua to know they had come this far, because they placed their complete trust in Him. Joshua needed to be reminded that no matter how big the wall appears, it’s still not bigger than the Lord. Therefore, he needed to be reminded that when you stay on the Lord’s side, He will always make a way. This is why he worshiped, and then asked the commander, “what do you command your servant, my Lord?” He was told to remove his sandals from his feet, because he was on holy ground. Wherever the Lord is, that place is holy. Before we ask the Lord for anything, we need to take some time and worship Him. Anybody can say they are on the Lord’s side, but my worship speaks for me!
The Lord’s position does not change. We have to make the shift to be on His side. The Lord has made His position clear and now we need to make ours clear through our worship. Then we need to ask “what do you want me to do?”, and then the Lord will direct us. This is no different for us today, our wall is Covid-19, and it will take a monumental effort to penetrate it. However, the Lord wants us to know that on our own, we can’t beat it. So, we have to be reminded to worship the Lord, because He is the only one able to cause it to fall. Continue to walk in your blessings