As you journey through life, you have to determine how to move forward. If you have to see everything before doing anything, it will take time to move forward. But, if you choose to move by faith, then you are allowing the Lord to guide your steps. In order for a church to flourish the saints have to make the decision to function on the principle of faith. This does not mean you ignore what is happening around you, but when the Lord tells you to move – do it! Why, because the Lord wants to know where you are placing your faith. The physical evidence may show this is not the time to do it, but the Lord is telling you, “yes it is”. Now you have to make the decision on where you are going to place your faith.
Before you decide, remember it is impossible to please the Lord without faith. When the Lord called Abraham, he was 75 years old, and did not have any children. However, the Lord called him and sent him to an unfamiliar land, and told Abraham, he would be a father of many nations. The physical evidence was showing this was not going to be possible. Why, because he was old and his wife was past child bearing age. Now, Abraham had to decide where he was going to place his faith, and he chose the will of the Lord.
In Romans 4:16-25, Paul talks about Abraham to the Romans, and calls him the father of us all. Why, because he was successful through stepping out on faith, and believing the unbelievable. Everything appeared to be working against Abraham to become the father of many nations. The evidence showed he was too old, childless, and his wife was only 9 years younger than him. There appeared to be nothing working for him, but the Lord had a plan to do the impossible. This was made possible through Abraham stepping out on faith, and not allowing what he saw to drive him. Because he was driven by what the Lord saw in him.
Saints, we are to be driven by what the Lord sees in us. We serve a God, “who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.” Therefore, in order for God to do this in our lives, we have to go as He guides us. This is exactly what Abraham did, and the Lord did the impossible for him and Sarah. They believed the Lord and came together, and God gave life to what was considered to be dead in both of them. From their actions, Isaac was born. Things which are impossible with man, are possible with God! Taking it a step further, we have life after being dead in our sins. Once we stepped out in faith and gave our lives to Jesus Christ, we were saved. By making this decision, our lives have not been the same.
What is stopping you from living a life of faith in the Lord? I know in your life you have placed your faith in people, only to be disappointed. The Lord will not disappoint you, but He will bless you beyond what you don’t think is possible. Now is the time for you to make the decision to place your faith in the Lord, and He will not let you down. But, He will continue to lift you up. Why, because you are fully convinced the Lord is able! Continue to walk in your blessings.