Our world is in an unfamiliar place, because of COVID19. Initially, within our country it was not taken seriously – until the numbers started growing rapidly, and people were dying. Now we are at the point where all movement throughout the country is restricted and only essential businesses are open. A number of people are now out of work because companies are shut down and can not afford to pay employees. These are truly trying times.
People are concerned with how long it will last, what they need to do not to be infected, and will they have enough money to purchase food? With all of this, we have to stay grounded because if we don’t, worry will creep in and dominate our thoughts. When worry dominates, our entire thought process changes to what is wrong and how much worse is it going to get. We begin to look at what we can’t do, and begin to choke our faith. When this continues fear raises up in our lives, and we begin to make irrational decisions.
We have to focus our attention on Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus within these verses share with us the antidote for worry. Jesus tells us to “look at the birds of the air, they don’t sow nor reap, nor gather into barn, and your Heavenly Father feeds them.” He tells us “are you not of more value than these.” Then He gives other examples of how our Heavenly Father provides for the things around us. Then Jesus shares with us the antidote for worry, “strive first for the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (verse 33).” This antidote is available to all free of charge. To get it you must first accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Then let Him guide you through by His GPS (God’s Purpose Spirit), and all you need will be provided. You have the antidote, now all you have to do is apply it. Continue to walk in your blessings!