In Hebrews 12:1-2, the writer is conveying to us we are not alone. This is something every saint needs to hear, because there are times when you are involved in ministry the feeling of loneliness will kick in. You feel like no one understands or even cares about the ministry work that is taking place. However, you keep doing the work, but it has become a weight in your life. When this happens frustration, anger, and bitterness move in and they begin to take over. The work in ministry used to bring you joy and excitement because of the impact it has on those being helped.
The writer is sharing that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. Those that have gone before understand what you are going through. Ministry is only successful when you don’t allow sin to build up in your life. The message being conveyed is sin no longer has dominion over your life, but it will make the attempt to cling to you. The writer is telling you to lay aside every weight and sin, because it’s doable. You can overcome sin through Jesus Christ, therefore it will no longer weigh you down. You have made the decision to live by faith in Him and by trusting Him, sin no longer can dictate what you do. Jesus endured the cross to make this possible and give you the victory over sin. Now He is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. His work has been done and you have accepted Jesus Christ into your life. Therefore, you can now overcome sin by putting it down and move forward doing the work the Lord has before you.
You have the victory over the sin that is trying to cling to your life. You can put it down, because Jesus Christ has freed you from it. Also, remember you are not alone. There is a cloud of witnesses to encourage you every step of the way. So, all you have to do is call on the Lord and He will bring you through. Because more is coming alive for you in 2025. Continue to walk in your blessings.