In Hosea 7:8, the writer is sharing the Lord’s displeasure with Ephraim. There are statements in this verse, which make you think. It says, “Ephraim mixes himself with the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned.” The word “mixes” is a key to understanding the problems that have occurred due to their actions. There is nothing wrong with interacting with people of different beliefs. However, when you are mixing, that means you are blending things together. When you allow others to influence your beliefs, you begin to compromise. This is where the problems begin. When you embrace what others are doing, it moves you away from the principles that have brought you this far. By allowing this to happen, it causes other problems and that’s where the other word comes into play.
The second word is “turned”. In essence they have compromised what they believe, so they are not living in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord. They have become a people that are undone. The cakes they prepared during that time required them to be turned over to complete the cooking process. This was not possible for them to do, because they were not living according to the will of the Lord. They could not understand why things were going wrong for them, and this is the reason Hosea was sharing the Word of the Lord. They were undone, because they did not turn their lives over to the will of the Lord. They thought by doing some and not all, they were in good standing with the Lord. This was so far from the truth, because the Lord expects His people to live for Him.
What about you, are you undone? You are responsible for your relationship with the Lord. Therefore, you own it, and you can’t allow anyone to come in and change it. They may raise questions, or even tell you it does not make sense. But, they don’t know all the Lord has done because you have turned your life over to Him. Continue to walk in your blessings!