This week we are going to look at what God is instructing Noah to build. In Genesis 6:8-22 we read about how Noah found favor in the sight of God, in the midst of all the corruption and violence that was taking place all around him. He was a righteous person, blameless in his generation, and he walked with God. These three statements about Noah are pivotal, because they let us know that he had a relationship with God. So, when he was instructed by God to build the ark it was not his first encounter. However, what he was asked to do had not been done before. Image what was going through Noah’s mind, he was being instructed to build something that had not been done before. Yes, God was giving him the blueprint to build an extraordinary vessel. This vessel would keep Noah, his family, and all the animals safe through the flood. In essence God was calling Noah to make a difference. Even though Noah did not fully understand the impact of what was to come, he was being used by God.
The way God works has not changed. You don’t fully understand the impact of what you are called to do, but it will make a difference. What you are called to do has not been done before. I know you wonder about the validity of the prior statement, but you have to understand your calling is unique. There is a specific task God has for you, so no one else can do it. What you are called to do is not always on a large scale, but it will impact those lives it touches. Answer the call!